Frequently Asked Questions

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Why does my pool/spa need to be chlorinated?
Pools should be disinfected continuously by a chemical which imparts a residual effect. Disinfectants, or sanitizers, destroy living microorganisms and bacteria, keeping the pool water safe. Chlorine is the most common type of disinfectant used in pools, but you don’t have to choose chlorine; there are many pool/spa disinfectants available.

What options do I have other than chlorine?
Today there are several alternatives to chlorine. One is bromine. This is really only for indoor pools or those that are primarily covered, like a spa.

A salt-chlorine generator is another option. You’ll never have to add chlorine again, and the water will be balanced to a saline solution and is much easier on the eyes and hair.

I have put plenty of chlorine in the pool because I can smell it but it doesn't show up when I test. Why?
Your test kit is correct - you do not have the right amount of chlorine in your water. If you smell chlorine in the water, or if you have irritated eyes from the water, you are more than likely experiencing chloramines (combined chlorine), and not free residual chlorine needed to disinfect your pool. Some test kits will allow you to test for total chlorine levels and free chlorine levels; the difference between the two being the combined levels. If trace amounts of combined chlorine is above .3 ppm, you may need to shock, or "superchlorinate" the pool to break the bond of chloramines.


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